Melee Modding Library  2.0.0
A C library for modding Super Smash Bros Melee
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CAIHolds all information about an AI
 CControllerRepresents the state of a controller
 CControllerInputA single controller input made by the queue
 CFunctionArgFunction Argument
 CFunctionCallDescribes a function call
 CGameStateIn game variables
 CInputQueueManages a list of inputs
 CLogicDescribes simple if-then logic
 CMatrixA matrix of 32-bit floating-point values
 CMoveRepresents a single move (string of timed inputs)
 CPlatformPlatform information
 CPlayerBlockVariables contained in "player block"
 CPlayerDataVariables contained in "player data"
 CPointStruct containing the coordinates of a point
 CProfileKey information about code performance
 CRawInputRepresent an input in its minimal form
 CStageStage Information
 CVectorA vector of 32-bit floating-point values